High Yield Investments

Jesus knew how powerful a good investment was. In the parable of the sower he commented on the seed that fell on good soil that, “It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.” Luke 8:8 Now that’s a good investment!

Jesus invested in people. When he was choosing his apostles, he stayed up all night praying. He spent years teaching and guiding them.

Jesus wanted his apostles and us to make the same investment. In Matt. 6:33 he says, “Seek first (God’s) kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given you as well.” But he didn’t want them to just invest in him but others also. He sent them out to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God. He wanted them to love on others and share the good news to make the world a better place!

We know what this investment cost Jesus. It will cost us also. He asks us not to just follow our own selfish desires but to follow him and look to serving and loving others!

Thought Question:

What is one way I can invest in someone else and show them the love of Jesus this week?