Storms in our Lives

We live in Louisiana and we are well acquainted with storms. We dealt with Hurricane Ida last year. This year seemed like a calm one and then Hurricane Ian hit Florida with a vengeance. Storms are a reality in our lives, also. In Luke chapter 8, a storm came up and the apostles were afraid. Why? Because their focus was on the storm not on the one they had in the boat with them. When Jesus dealt with the storm, the Bible says, “All was calm.”

Storms are plentiful in this chapter as well as in our lives. Jesus soon meets a man that is being tormented by demons. Jesus speaks with him and casts the demons out. The man is able to live a completely different life because of what Jesus did for him.

Satan does his best to torment us, also. He brings in the demons of low self esteem, pride, anxiety, fear, worry and temptation. We need so badly to speak Jesus over the recurring storm of demons in our life! Mark DeJesus in his book, “Exposing the Rejection Mindset” talks about I John 4:18 where the Bible tells us that perfect love drives out fear. He says, “When John writes (this) it is the same language that is used when Jesus cast out demons.” That same power that Jesus used then, he wants to work in us!

And finally in this chapter, Jesus has to deal with the storms of sickness and death. These are also realities in our lives. Psalm 23:3 tells us, “he refreshes our soul.” We must remember where to put our trust, our focus especially through those terrifying storms!

Thought Question:

What is one storm in your current life that you need to speak Jesus over?