Love that's Over and Beyond

In Luke 10, an expert in the law comes to Jesus to ask what he needs to do to be saved. Jesus answered, “ What do the scriptures say?” The man answers correctly about loving God and loving your neighbor. But still he wants more and asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers him with the story of the “good Samaritan.”

Through this story we learn that love is…

  • Treating others the way you want to be treated. No one thinks that the robbers were the heros of the story or that anyone would want to be treated this way.

  • More than claiming to be religious. The religion of the priest and the Levite did not help the man at all. They passed on by!

  • Not prejudiced! Luke tells that a Samaritan (one who was looked down on in so many ways) was the one to stop and help. Luke keeps emphasizing that the gospel is for all!

  • Extravagant! Love goes over and beyond the call of duty.

Jesus tells the man, “Go and do likewise.” We need to speak Jesus in this loving way! Think of the difference this would make in our relationships, in our work places and in the world.

Thought Question:

How can I be more extravagant in showing the love of Jesus?