We Believe


We Believe...

…in one God eternally existing in three personalities: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This God created us and loves us to the point that He was willing to die to save us!

…the Bible is the inspired Word of God which reveals God’s love and plan to us.

…Jesus came to Earth as a human to seek and save the lost. He was crucified on a cross to save us. After He was buried, He was resurrected from the grave in three days. This is the core of Christianity!

…we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Jesus died in our place, so that we could live in a loving relationship with him. Forgiveness is based on the work of God.

…we need an ongoing journey with Jesus to keep our relationship alive. The Bible refers to baptism as a new birth, therefore we see baptism as our confession that we claim the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for our salvation.

…Jesus accepts us as is, but loves us too much to leave us this way. Therefore, he has given us the Holy Spirit to help change us into His image as we seek to journey with Him.

…God has given each of us spiritual gifts and talents and he wants us to utilize all of them bringing Him glory and honor. Therefore, we want to guide each person in discovering their gifts and give them the opportunity to be all that God created them to be.

…this good news about God is too good to keep to ourselves and we want to share it with others. We are seeking others to journey with us to discover who God is and what God has planned for each of us.