The Good News is for All

Jesus spoke of the Good News of the Kingdom of God and it was for everyone! He told a story (parable) of a sower going out to sow seed and he spread that seed freely, everywhere. However, that seed did not actually produce everywhere. Some fell along the path and the birds ate it, others fell on rocky ground and the plants quickly died out because of lack of water, Others fell among thorns and weeds and were choked out. And finally, some fell on good soil and greatly produced!

Jesus tells us that the seed is the word of God and the soils are our hearts. Some people may be completely resistant to God but even those who are not have different seasons and circumstances in their lives. Have you ever read a book at one time in your life and been completely bored with it and years later picked it up again and was so moved by it? I have!

Maybe the word of God has been choked out in your life by all the demands you have at work or in your family. Maybe at a younger age you looked at life differently and see it through different eyes now. Maybe a one time you were excited and devoted to God but you just drifted away.

The word of God has great power when it is received with an open heart. “Every part of scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another- showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way.” 2 Timothy 3:16 MSG

Give God a chance to speak into your life and see what he can do!

Thoughts for reflection:

When was the last time you tried to look at God’s word from a different perspective? Maybe reading a different version. Maybe reading a book by a Christian author. Ask God for a new way to see Him and his way.