Christmas Invitation

Lots of planning goes into Christmas gatherings, it can be a stressful time. So, how can we relax and enjoy Christmas and our loved ones?

1., Approach it with lots of mercy. Luke 14:1-6 tells us about Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath and how others criticized him. It’s so easy to into a critical mindset! Jesus is showing us here that mercy is more important than tradition or law.

2., Christmas teaches us the importance of humility. We get so worried about everything going according to our plan and things can inadvertently go wrong. What Jesus wanted was for us to put others first. Laugh at the mistakes and move on!

3., Accept the invitation of Jesus and his blessings. Luke 14:15-24 tells us the parable of a man inviting many to a dinner but everyone made excuses. Instead, he sends servants to invite those who are in the streets to come in and dine. Jesus invites every one of us to slow down and walk with him, to learn of him and commune with him. We need to set aside our agendas each day and spend time with Jesus. Accept his invitation and learn about true peace!

Thought Question:

What is one way that you can apply one of these ideas and make your holidays more enjoyable?