Loaded with Blessings

Last week, we looked at the story, “The Christmas Carol” and the changes that Ebenezer Scrooge went through. This week, we look at the blessings of that change. Scrooge, the changed man, became a blessing to so many people in his life and I’m sure was such a joy for the remainder of his life.

In Luke 13, we are reminded of the blessing that Jesus was in his community. Others wanted to find fault but verse 17b tells us “…the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing.” We need to reflect on all the ways that Jesus is a continual blessing in our lives. He offers his gift of peace, the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives, and of course, he offers us a place in his kingdom, our salvation.

As we accept and remember all these gifts that we are given in this Christmas season, we need to pass it on, as they say and be a blessing to others. Jesus wants us to be a light in this world and give the gift of hope to others. Christmas is the gift that keeps on giving!

Thought question:

What is one thing that you can do this week to bring a little light into someone’s life?