Prayer 101

Jesus prayed….a lot! He prayed right after his baptism (Luke 3:21). He would go into the wilderness to pray (Luke 5:16), he even spent all night praying at times! (Luke 6:12) I’m sure his apostles noticed how much Jesus prayed and so they ask him, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Now we’ve heard many lessons and even formulas for how we should pray. But we, too, can struggle with prayer. We pray and pray and can feel unheard and even frustrated. What if there isn’t a magic formula? What if the problem is that our focus is in the wrong place? What if what Jesus is trying to teach the apostles and us is a shift in our attitudes to one of utter dependence on God?

Jesus begins his prayer with “Father”, he starts with intimacy. God wants an intimate relationship with us. “Hallowed be…” he acknowledges the power of God.
”Your kingdom come” I’m willing to submit to your will. May your will be most important in my life.
”daily bread” I put my needs before you. I am trusting in you.
”Forgive us and lead us not into temptation” I still struggle, Lord I can’t do this myself. I am dependent on you!

When it comes down to it, we just need to spend time talking to God, even when we don’t know what to say. Remembering that the Holy Spirit is interceding for us and helping us in our weakness. (Romans 8:26-27)

Thought Question:

What difference will it make in your prayer life this week if you approach it from a different attitude and perspective?