Seeking Some Good Advice

When we are dealing with a problem, some good advice can really help us navigate through it successfully. In Luke 11, Jesus has a lot of good advice for us in living a spiritual life. Let’s look at some of it.

It’s amazing how Jesus uses everyday things to make us think. For example, Luke 11:33 says, “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” Think of a beautiful stained glass window, when it’s dark it doesn’t look like much but when light is coming through it, it is a work of art! Jesus is pointing out here that we are the light. God wants our lives to be the light, the hope, in the midst of the troubles of this world. When we look at our choices, even our everyday attitude in light of this, it changes our perspective. God wants to shine through us to display his glory!

Later in the chapter, Jesus gets very exasperated with the Pharisees. He tells them “…you ignore the most important duty of all: to walk in the love of God. Readjust your values and place first things first.” vs 42b TPT He mentions all the little things they are concentrating on and how they are ignoring the main point. Isn’t that true of us? We let traffic upset us so much, some little thing someone said without thinking, or our own agenda take our mind off of “walking in the love of God”. First things first. What good advice to start our day with!

Thought Question:

What are some ways that I can keep these ideas before me this week?