Words and Thoughts

Watch your thoughts, they become words.Watch your words, they become actions.Watch your actions, they become habits.Watch your habits, they become your character.Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

-Author Unknown

It’s amazing how when you have (or are around) young children, you become very aware of what you are saying because they tend to repeat your every word. You start hearing the way your voice sounds by hearing it parroted back to you. If you are using a negative tone or unkind words, you will realize quickly when those things are said through the mouth of a four-year-old. We teach our children to say and do the right things, but the way we act has an even bigger impact on their behavior. And truthfully, it has a pretty big impact on us. 

Whether you have children or not, allowing yourself to have negative thoughts, words, habits, etc. detracts from the amazing plan God has for you, and it makes it harder for us to shine Christ’s light to the world. What aspects of your speech and behavior could you work on improving this week? Make a change and see what a positive effect it has on your life!

“I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say. I will hold my tongue when the ungodly are around me.” Psalm 39:1

Journey on!