Trust in His Power

“The reason why I smile even in the midst of the storm, is because I know that Jesus Christ will carry me through.”― Gift Gugu Mona, South Africa

When things are uncertain, I find myself feeling anxious. I like to know the plan, know what to expect, and prepare as best as I can...but that's not often a realistic option! Instead, life can be extremely unpredictable! It veers in all directions. We feel overwhelmed when life feels so out of control. But these twists and turns do not come as a surprise to our faithful, omnipresent Lord! What seems like chaos to us is a beautiful tapestry of life to the One who created the world. He knows the good that will come from our lives. He knows the plans He has for us, and they are to prosper and not harm us (Jer. 29:11). We just need to remember that when life feels out of control, it's's in His control. Be intentional about trusting in God this week as you face life's unpredictability. He loves you and has you in His all-powerful hands. In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.

What can mere mortals do to me?  Psalm 56:4

Journey on!