In our daily rush to accomplish our to-do lists, we may not realize the way we come across to others. Sometimes our own stresses lead us to snap at others in the office. We may not take the time to really stop what we are doing to listen to our children tell us about their day. Maybe you've found yourself yelling at someone simply because you are under pressure. We need to take time in our day to pause and reflect on the things that are most important. While many worldly things seem pressing, there is always time to be kind. We won't get our assignments completed any faster by attacking those around us. We won't keep our friendships if we continue to neglect them because we are too busy. In the midst of your busy week, be conscious of others. Have self-control to respond kindly even when you are stressed. Be intentional to really listen to those you love. Remember kindness!
Hebrews 13:1-2 (ESV) / Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Journey on!