The Here and Now

How many of your thoughts during the day are focused on things of the future: where are we going this weekend? How will we pay our bills next month? Who will I marry? Should we have more kids? When should I retire? So many questions about the future fill our minds daily. 

I am planner, so I like to think ahead. It's not a bad thing to do, but when we allow all those questions to cause us anxiety and fear, we are missing out on the peace of God. We can also miss out on the blessing around us, right here in the present. If you find yourself concerned about your future, take a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty of your day. Look into the faces of the people around you. Listen for ways that God is speaking to you in this very moment. When we embrace the here and now, we appreciate all that God is doing. If you still have concerns about what's next, take them to the feet of God in prayer. You will find that by surrendering your worries, you can embrace His peace and joy in this very moment!

"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Journey on!