God's Compassion

"The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." James 5:11

As we walk with God, there are going to be times when we stumble. We try to model ourselves after Jesus, loving others and making choices that honor God. But no one is perfect, and sometimes we fall pretty short of that expectation! The great news is that our God is compassionate, loving, and forgiving. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive. This life is complicated, often messy, but our God loves us right where we are. Our faith journey isn't always going to be easy. But when we make mistakes, we can go to God and He will renew and restore us! Do not beat yourself up about sins of the past. Accept the grace and peace given by God. Honor and praise Him for His love, and "go and sin no more." (John 8:11) His compassion and love are great blessings if we are willing to receive them. 

Journey on!