Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough." Francis Chan
Our God has an incredible plan for our life. But sometimes, when we can't see where exactly He is taking us, it can be hard to relax and trust in Him. We want to be able to control situations that can't be controlled. We want to know about the bumps in the road ahead of time. We think we know what makes sense, what's best, and what should happen...but we are functioning with limited information. We see the tiniest fraction of what God sees! He knows what's best for our lives. He knows that sometimes the things we want most are actually going to hurt us. Sometimes the doors that close are bullets dodged. And when we don't realize that, and we forget about the amazing, loving God who is completely in control, we often let worry take over. What are you worrying about this week? Take time to recognize where you are worrying and how you can release those fears and trust in God. Pray for God to comfort you and give you peace, and thank Him that He is bigger than anything you face.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3
Journey on!