God Over All

We have such an awesome, powerful God! He cares about every detail of our lives. We are His children, and He loves us. We find ourselves worrying over our lives, how we will pay a bill, where we will find a job, whether our health will improve... but God is always there. Nothing we face is too big for Him! That doesn't mean we won't face hardships, but it does mean that whatever we go through, we have God taking care of us. He is the living God, the creator of all things, and He is on our side! Everyday as you face new challenges, remember who is in control. There is nothing impossible for Him!

I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
— Jeremiah 32:27 NIV

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God's Love

God never intended for us to look to others for the kind of love only He can give.
— Lysa Terkeurst

Too many times we look to others to fill empty places in our hearts... places only God can fill. Maybe you put unrealistic expectations on your spouse. Maybe you feel like your life will never be complete if you can't find a girlfriend or boyfriend. Maybe you feel let down by friends.

God created human relationships to be a blessing. It's good to have people in your life who you love and who love you back. But when it comes to the deep, empty spaces in your heart and in your soul, it's unfair to expect others to fill those voids. Only God can fill those spaces, heal your hurts, fill you with peace. Only God can forgive your sins, give you salvation, give you purpose. Only He can complete you, and when you allow Him to do so, it will make your relationships with others so much greater!

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
— Psalm 23:1 (NLT)

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Think Positive

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.
— Joyce Meyer

What a great quote! If we want to start living life to the fullest in God and make a positive impact on others, it all starts in our hearts. Sure, life isn’t easy and our attitudes and emotions aren’t always going to be bright. But that doesn’t mean we should spend every moment of our lives being negative! Too many people get caught up in a negative rut without even realizing it. Our hearts, minds, and souls are too valuable to subject to constant negativity. The Bible says it this way

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
— Proverbs 4:23

The discouraging messages we tell ourselves, the negative attitudes we keep… all those things bring us down and don’t point us to Jesus. And they don’t point others to Him, either! Do a heart check this week and see if you are in a negative rut. If you are, pray that God will lift the things that are burdening you and help you stay focused on the blessings He has to offer. You might find it makes you feel so much lighter!

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A Morning Prayer

God, when I wake in the morning, help me to take a deep breath and pause before I even get out of bed. Help me remember what a blessing it is to be alive… to know that every step I take today, You will be with me. I want to start my days, not with the alarm and the emails and the to-do lists but with YOU. Thank You, God, that You are stronger than anything I face and that my hope is in You. I will lean on You when I struggle today, and I will give thanks in my heart for the blessings that come my way. Help me to see the world through Your eyes and love others intentionally. Show me how I can grow today. Teach me new things about Your Word and about Your love. You are my Rock, and I put my trust in you.

From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
— Psalm 61:2

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All We Need

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not.
— Ann Brashares

Do you ever think to yourself, "If only I had more money, then could be happy." I think we all face times when we wish we had just a little bit more- enough to get out of debt, take a vacation, do more with our business, buy new clothes, send our kids to private schools. The possibilities of what we could do with "more" seem endless. But when we focus on all the things we don't have, we forget to appreciate the incredible number of things we do. It isn't wrong to want things or work towards goals, but it is not beneficial to allow our desires for more to ruin our attitudes, make us envious of others, or turn us bitter and ungrateful. If you find yourself feeling frustrated because of something you are lacking, remember this verse:

Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
— Psalm 34:10b

How can you keep yourself from feeling ungrateful and wanting more, more, more? By being thankful. Take time out this week to really focus on every blessing God has given you. Count the ways He has shown His love to you. When we focus on His amazing blessings, we can't help but be content. because we have all we need in Him.

Hope and Strength

I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t...
My hope is You alone.
— Mercy Me

When you go through a tough time, don't give up hope! Remember that the Lord is with you even when it feels like you are alone. He cares about your struggles and heartaches even if it seems He is not answering your prayers. He gives us incredible strength when we aren't sure we can press on. So don't give up hope- instead, lean into God. Embrace His words through scripture. Trust that even when things aren't going our way, God is still God, and we always have hope!

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
— Nehemiah 8:10


I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
— Nelson Mandela

We all go through times when we feel afraid. Sometimes fear helps us by alerting us to something dangerous and keeping us safe. But many times our fear is simply because something is out of our control. How do we face life's uncertainties? How do we stare at situations that seem overwhelming and find courage and strength? We put our trust in God. We are all going to feel fearful at times, but when we can take that fear and lay it at the feet of God, we can find strength in Him. He will give you peace, wisdom, patience, courage, and hope like never before. Sometimes for me it requires giving my fears to Him daily, even hourly. Prayer and scripture are great ways to find courage in Him. Allow God to help you conquer your fears and give you everything you need to face the future with courage.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
— Matthew 14:27

Life a Life of Praise

David was such a great example to us of how to praise God with our whole hearts. The following Psalm reminds us that we need to focus our hearts on praising God, giving thanks, having a good attitude, and remembering ALL the things God has done for us...that we are HIS children. Meditate on this passage this week, and let it transform how you begin each day.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
— Psalm 100:1-4

Faith for the Future

We spend a lot of time planning for the future, which is wise, but it's also important to remember that our future is in God's hands. If you are feeling worried about how things are going to turn out, remember that the Lord loves you dearly. Look to Him for guidance on what you should do next. Pray for His favor as you work towards admirable goals. Seek His face when you decide what steps to take next. And be wholly encouraged that He will work things together for your good (Romans 8:28). We don't have to be afraid of the future as long as we have faith in God. Keep Him at the center of your plans and trust in Him to guide your way.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
— Hebrews 11:1

He Rejoices Over You

There are times when the world can make us feel rejected, unwanted, and unloved. It tells us the lie that we are unworthy of good things. If you find yourself facing those thoughts and feelings, remember what is true: Your God loves you and is with you always! Regardless of what the world says or does, His love is constant, unconditional, and never-ending. He takes such joy in calling you His child. Sometimes we need to silence the negative messages from the world and listen only to His calming voice. He is rejoicing over you and calling you worthy of love. Focus on His voice and His message of encouragement this week.

The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.
— Zephaniah 3:17

Where to Turn

Think about the last time you had a question about your life...who did you talk to about it? Most times I turn to my spouse or my close friends, or a loved one to give me some wisdom and guidance. God has blessed us with community so that we can share this life with others, and He often uses people to speak to us. But sometimes in the midst of leaning on others, we forget to also tum to God. Don't just rely on people who are fallible when God is right there, waiting to hear your prayers and pour out His love, peace and guidance to you. He is the one who knows the future, who holds you in His hand, who has more wisdom than anyone you could ask here on earth. Remember in your times of Seeking truth to turn to God and let Him be your guide first, and then seek wisdom from others. His light will guide your path.

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
— Psalm 121:2

All We Need

We want a lot of things in life. We work hard to achieve goals, pray for our heart's desires, seek God...but when the things we want don't line up with God's plan, it's hard to accept. We think we know what will give us life and happiness, but the truth is, the only thing in this whole world we need is God! We have to take all the things we want and lay it at His feet, but then be willing to say, "God, thy will be done.” We need to seek and desire God because He is the only one who can fill our empty, hurting places. He alone completes us. Seek Him intentionally this week knowing that He truly is everything we need.

"You, Lord, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands. How wonderful are your gifts to me; how good they are!" Psalm 15:5-6

In the Quiet

It's hard to quiet our minds. So much fills our days and interrupts our thoughts...if we could just take a breath. If we could just stop for a even a few minutes everyday and be still, quiet, and patient. We need to silence the chaos in our minds to hear His voice. We need to shut out the negative thoughts and hear His words. Maybe we just need to feel His presence. Take time to quiet your heart and mind this week and just be with God. You will be so glad you did!

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world.” The Lord of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress." — Psalms 46:10-11 NLT

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Joyful, Patient, Faithful

We know that God is always with us, when the skies are the bluest and the sunlight warms our souls. He wraps His arms around us when the world seems harsh and overwhelming. He comforts us in our tears. He rejoices over us in our happiest moments. But how should we respond? We know that our lives will be filled with mountains and valleys, and God will be constant in those times. What can we do to follow His example and be able to praise him in the good times and bad? The Bible gives a great response to that question:

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Print this verse and post it somewhere where you will see it this week, and focus on following God's example of faithfulness in all things!

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