“God never intended for us to look to others for the kind of love only He can give.”
Too many times we look to others to fill empty places in our hearts... places only God can fill. Maybe you put unrealistic expectations on your spouse. Maybe you feel like your life will never be complete if you can't find a girlfriend or boyfriend. Maybe you feel let down by friends.
God created human relationships to be a blessing. It's good to have people in your life who you love and who love you back. But when it comes to the deep, empty spaces in your heart and in your soul, it's unfair to expect others to fill those voids. Only God can fill those spaces, heal your hurts, fill you with peace. Only God can forgive your sins, give you salvation, give you purpose. Only He can complete you, and when you allow Him to do so, it will make your relationships with others so much greater!
“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.”
Journey on!