Joe's Rollercoaster Life!

Life can seem like a rollercoaster ride. It certainly did for Joseph in the book of Genesis, starting in chapter 37.

His life started off well. He was his father’s favorite child. He was a dreamer and thought life would meet his expectations. But he had a few issues, he was a tattle tale and his brothers, well, they hated him.

One day as he was on his usual fact finding mission for his father on his brother’s activities, his life took a sudden downhill drop and turned upside down. Now, it could have been worse, his brothers pondered on the idea of killing him! But instead, they sold him into slavery. Not a good thing but God was with Joseph and he did well in the household of his master. Until there was another nasty turn and Joe ended up in prison through no fault of his own. Can you imagine how discouraging all this was?

See, life can be like that. Even when God is with us and we are doing the right things, the rollercoaster may still take another dip. It doesn’t mean I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere. It doesn’t mean God isn’t right there.

You see Joseph would go through all these trials and would wind up in the perfect place to solve a monumental problem of the world at that time with God’s help! He would save the lives of his family because of the position he was in. He was right where he was supposed to be. God had been working through Joseph’s life all along, through the good times and the bad.

Thoughts for Reflection: It is so hard to see any reason when things are going badly. We even feel like God has abandoned us in some of those times. But try to take a step back and imagine God at work on the bigger picture. And remember, to trust in his love and presence!

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
    miracles that cannot be counted. Job 5:9