Managing Our Emotions

In Luke 19, we see go through a range of emotions, joy, sadness and even anger. Jesus was fully human and experienced the same emotions as we do and yet, we are told, “he did not sin.” Heb. 4:15

When we feel the weight of sadness or the heat of anger, it can be hard for us not to take it out on others. Hebrews 4:16 tells us, “Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” So let’s apply a little grace for the next time that we are in need!

G…..Our emotions are a Gauge and not our guide. They alert us to a problem. Perhaps we need to look deeper and identify what is truly botherting us before we lash out.

R….Emotions are Real and powerful to the one experiencing them. We were created as emotional beings. Remember that emotions are morally neutral.

A….When we are in the grip of high emotion, we need to Act and not react. Remember to slow down, take a deep breath, even walk away to give yourself a moment to calm down.

C….Cautiously Consider your options. Pray for God’s intervention and wisdom. Seek advice for the best way to respond.

E….Embrace who you are and respond accordingly. Who are you? You are a child of God! (1 John 3:1) We are dearly loved and we need to love others. Loving reactions may vary greatly according to the situation (look at Jesus response with the money changers in the temple!) but that is another lesson!

Thought Question:

What is one emotional situation that you have dealt with lately that these suggestions of grace may help you with?