How Can I Approach God?

Can we really approach God? Eph. 3:12 tells us, “ In [Christ] and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” So, the answer is “YES!”.

So, how can I do this? Let’s look at 4 examples in Luke 18 for the answer.

  1. The parable of the persistent widow - we learn that God wants us to approach him consistently and often. Remember, our God is a loving God and he wants relationship with us!

  2. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector - we should come to God in transparency and humility. Yes, we mess up and we fail but God still wants us to come to him.

  3. The story of Jesus and the children - Jesus welcomed the children and wants us to become childlike to engage with him. How do I do that?!? Think about a small child. They aren’t held back in their feelings, they are curious, expectant, trusting and totally dependent. Jesus wants us to lay aside our pride and pretenses.

  4. The story of the rich young ruler and the Kingdom of God - Jesus ask the young man to give away all that he had. Why did he do that? Because he knew that that was where the man’s heart was, that was what was most important to him. Jesus wants us to come with an open heart and to remove all that will hold us back from deeply connecting with him!

Thought Question:

Are you ready to approach God? What is standing in your way?