Rich Towards God

Our lesson today was from Luke 12. A family was squabbling about money and wanted Jesus to step in and settle the argument. Instead, Jesus talked about the dangers of greed.

In this season of gifts needed for everyone and constant reminders of ever greater sale prices on all the latest items, it’s easy to lose track of what’s really important. Real treasure is being rich towards God.

What does that look like? 1 Timothy 6:6-8 talks about being content, to be at peace with the blessings that we have. Verses 17-19 tell us to not put our hope in wealth. Do you ever notice how when you focus on what you are wanting, there is always more to want? God wants our focus to be on trusting him. It’s so interesting how he goes on in this passage to say that God gives us everything for our enjoyment. God doesn’t want us to be miserable, he wants us to enjoy what he’s given us! There is nothing wrong with enjoying things but he says to remember to be generous and to share with others. Now that’s what this holiday season should be about!

Thought Question:

Think of someone that has no expectations of you that you can be generous to this week.