Love So Amazing

"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.” Loretta Young

Have you ever poured out love to someone who took it for granted? Love is the most powerful emotion and force we humans have to share, and yet it can cause us the most pain when it is not reciprocated, or when it is false. Not everyone will accept the love you show them.

Sometimes we mistakenly believe that God's love is conditional and easily lost as well. But the truth is, He does love you no matter what! You are His child and even if you make the choice not to accept it, the love itself is not taken away. He loves you dearly and longs for the day you will return to Him and accept His gift of salvation, just as the shepherd searched longingly for his lost sheep (Matthew 18). The choice is always yours. The love, compassion and grace He has for you is shown through the sacrifice Jesus made on that cross. There is nothing you have done or could do that He would not forgive if you come to Him. His love is amazing. Don't push God away because you are afraid that He could never love you- that is a lie from Satan. God will ALWAYS love you. Will you love Him back?

"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the priceless is your unfailing love!” Psalm 36:5-6

Journey on!