“O Come let us adore Him, O Come let us adore Him, O Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”
We were a broken world in need of a healing so deep, it could only come from God. Out of God’s incredible love for us. He sent His only son to earth to save followers from every generation, past, present and future! This love is unconditional. It meets us where we are and wraps us in light. It sees past our scars and shame, and rescues us out of our despair. God’s love is SO great, the extent of it cannot be fully grasped! What a precious gift from a Father. This love came to earth in the form of a man. Jesus’ birth, life, and death allows us to freely accept God’s gift of salvation. His commandments are simple: love God, and love others. As we reflect on the power and majesty of God and His infinite love, let us find ways to share that love to the world. Let us adore Christ, not only celebrating His life but imitating His love. Who can you bless this Christmas season? How can you pass on the love that was so generously given to you by God?
“We love because he first loved us.”
Journey on!