Own Worst Enemy

"I'm a hazard to myself. Don't let me get me. I'm my own worst enemy." Pink

Of all the challenges we face in the world, sometimes it's our own perfectionism and self-esteem issues that can be the hardest to overcome. Why do we tend to be our own worst critics? The enemy likes to whisper in our ears that we are not good enough, not successful enough...that our mistakes can't be undone, or that we are just going to keep failing...so why try? But these lies need to be shut down as soon as we hear them. We need to remember that God not only created us in His own image, but He loves us unconditionally! While He wants us to strive to live good lives and make good choices, He wants that because it's what is best for us! He knows we are going to mess up, and He still loves us dearly. Who are we to tell God that His word isn't true when He tells us we are His beloved children? Try to see yourself the way God sees you...as His beautiful child, washed clean by the blood of Christ. Trust in Him that you are more than enough because HE is more than enough. Seek Him when you have self-doubt. You are so amazing and so loved. The Lord forgives and He raises us up...His love for us never fails. Don't let anything overshadow that truth!

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." 1 John 3:1

Journey on!