Where do you Place Your Faith?

Social media has allowed us to connect with people in amazing ways! It can be useful for staying close to loved ones far away, networking for business, or having fun with friends. But it can also be a great source of stress, conflict, and false information. It's so important to fact check things posted online because they aren't always coming from a reliable source. 

In the same way, we need to pay attention to where we place our faith. Faith in our loved ones, possessions, careers, government, even in ourselves can serve a positive purpose, but we have to remember that all of those things are imperfect at times as long as we are in this world. We have to use wisdom and discernment in our faith. We need to always put our complete faith in what God alone tells us is right. Trusting our lives in His hands puts our "faith focus" squarely on the only one who is perfect! We can trust in Him no matter what happens in other areas of our lives. Don't let the things that fail you in this world affect your faith in the God who is above all things. Place your faith in Him in ALL circumstances!

"...your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:5

Journey on!