Overcoming Ourselves

"Who has a harder fight than he who is striving to overcome himself?" Thomas a KempisAs we live our lives trying to be more like Christ, we can be our own worst critics. We find ourselves feeling like failures because something didn't go the way we planned, or we feel unloved or unworthy because of things that we have said or done. It can be hard to believe that our God could be so forgiving and so loving to us when we can't always love ourselves. The negative things we tell ourselves have a huge impact on our lives! We need to replace those negative criticisms with truths: we made a mistake, but we have learned, not failed. We didn't accomplish something we hoped we would, but God still loves us and is proud of us. It's so important not to let Satan have a foothold in our minds when we are going through hard things, because he loves for us to beat ourselves up. Instead, we need to stand up, make things right wherever we can, and forgive ourselves. When you feel like being your own worst enemy this week, replace those negative thoughts with God's truth. Meditate on His word and remember that we serve a God who loves us dearly, and who has already overcome any obstacle we face. 

John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  Journey on!