Notice His Presence

"...and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 1:23b

What things help you experience Christ's presence right now? Do you hear him in the beautiful lyrics of silent night? Do you see him in the calm of the stars on a clear evening, or the soft blinking glow of a Christmas tree? Maybe you feel Him in every kind act or gift given. You may experience God through incredible miracles, or the tiniest breath of a a place of quiet solitude or amidst the laughter of friends and family. Jesus came to this earth born as a baby not just so the people in biblical times could experience his presence, But for all mankind! Take time to truly notice His presence this week. 

"Rejoice, rejoice, Immanuel

Shal come to us, o Israel." (O Come, Immanuel)

Journey on!