
It’s a life-changing experience to let Christ into your heart. There is such joy in unburdening yourself and letting go of the past. Like any relationship, though, we have our own highs and lows. God doesn’t change, and neither does our salvation, but we still have our good and bad days. We go through times where we feel incredibly close to God, and other times when we may feel burned out, dried up, or just tired. We may even stumble back into some of our old bad habits that leave us feeling like we aren’t worthy of enjoying God’s love. But God loves us ALL the time! He cares for us and lives in us through the mountains and valleys in our lives. When you find yourself in those times where you just feel “blah” spiritually, ask God to refresh and renew your spirit. Psalm 68:9 says,

“You sent abundant rain, O God, to refresh the weary land.”

Just as He refreshes the land, he cana refresh your spirit. Don’t give up when you are in a spiritual low. Understand that God is with you even then, and seek His beauty in a new, refreshing way. Read a new book, sing a song, pray, talk with a friend, go on a nature walk…the options are endless. Find what refreshes you and enjoy a spiritual renewal this week.

Journey on!