It’s a great feeling when you get your very first paycheck. You feel such a sense of accomplishment...your first taste of financial independence. As we continue on into adulthood, it’s easy to place our sense of self-worth in our successes: we find the perfect spouse, have kids, advance in our careers, or buy a dream home. At the same time, we put ourselves down based on our failures. Things don’t work out the way we planned, we lose a job, or get a divorce, and we begin to feel unworthy. The problem with placing our self-worth into the hands of our successes and failures is that we are relying completely on ourselves. The focus is on “me.” What “I” accomplished or what “I” failed to do.
The truth is, we are worthy because we are GOD’S children. We are blessed with successes because of God’s awesome love, and we are still loved and forgiven through our failures because of God, too. We have to start taking ourselves out of the equation and understand that we can’t ever do or be "enough." We HAVE to rely on God! When we do, we can see ourselves through HIS eyes. We have self-worth because of His grace and love. We can be free to live a life honoring Him instead of trying so hard to succeed on our own. Learn to let go of yourself, and rely on Him this week!
“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.” 2 Corinthians 3:5
Journey on!