Take a Break

It's summer and everyone I know is planning or returning from vacations! Vacations are a fantastic way to get some rest, but often when we aren't going anywhere, we find it hard to relax and take a break. We want to keep at our to do lists and feel guilty if we "waste" a day relaxing. While we wouldn't be productive people if we did nothing everyday, we need to also appreciate the importance of slowing down. Even our mighty God took a day of rest when he was creating the world- not because He needed it, but because it shows us the great value in taking time to stop and reflect, renew and recharge. 

The bible says, 

"Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind."

(Ecclesiastes 4:6)

Do you need to make space for quiet relaxation this week? The funny thing is, if we take time to rest, we will be able to face all the tasks of the week with more energy and well-being. It really is important, even though we can feel like we are wasting time. Try to do one really relaxing thing this week, and see what a difference it can make. 

Journey on!