Christ in You

"You're an overcomer, you stay in the fight til the final round. You're not going under! 'Cause God is holding you right now..." Overcomer by Mandisa

This world is full of difficult situations that we consider unjust. We may deal with an unfair boss, someone might cheat us, or our plans don't go the way we hoped. What do you do when faced with disappointment and persecution? 

As Christians, we know that Christ is our strength. He lives in us, and we can trust in Him to get us through our toughest problems. That doesn't mean solutions happen overnight, although they absolutely can. But more often, Christ displays His strength in the waiting. When we are waiting for resolution, we can turn to Him and know that in all things, He has already overcome. Speak that victory out loud and declare that He already knows how it will all work out, and you are believing in Him to stand up for you and work in you. What do you need Christ to give you strength in right now? 

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.1 John 4:4

Journey on!