His Presence in Sadness

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18

We all struggle with sadness sometimes. Some of us are more prone to it than others. We see some who appear to be perpetually happy, and others who struggle in despair often. I find myself somewhere in between. I try to look at the blessings of life, but that doesn't mean I never feel sorrow. And believe it or not, God cares deeply about your sadness. He loves you and the bible tells us He draws Himself close to those who are hurting. If you are feeling sadtoday, you can find hope and peace in knowing that God cares. You can ask Him to restore joy to you. God wants to be with you when you are having great days and when you are feeling down! He is always with us. Always. What a comfort and blessing!

Journey on!