
We are pressed on all sides by the pressures of this life- sometimes these pressures overwhelm us. As you go through your week, facing big decisions, bills, tight deadlines, parenting conflicts, and any other stress that comes your way, turn your face first and foremost to God. Start each day with a scripture, a song, a prayer. Anything that weighs on your mind and heart, take it to the Lord and lay it at His feet. Ask for His favor and His peace as you face these things. With God on your side, you can find joy and calm even in the most stressful situations. He will guide your path and help you have wisdom, and He will comfort you in the things that don't go your way. Our God loves us so much that every hair on our head is numbered (Luke 12:7), so believe with all your heart that He cares for you in even the tiniest details of your day. 

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved."  Psalm 55:22

Journey on!