Series: Silent Night- Peace in a Busy Season Wk. 1

“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7”

When I was a child, we traveled 11 hours away every Christmas; this was before you could reserve hotel rooms on Priceline! My parents would drive until they were tired and then drive around looking for a hotel with open rooms. We were all tired and cranky by that point, so when we finally found a vacancy, it was such a blessing. 

When I imagine looking for a place to sleep in Mary and Joseph’s time, with her practically in labor and either walking or riding on animals, I can’t imagine that being a peaceful situation. I am sure it was stressful and exhausting. And to finally come across an inn only to find out there was no space for them must have been disappointing. But thankfully, the owner had compassion enough to make room for the little family in the stables- Not ideal, not peaceful, among the braying donkeys, bleeting sheep, or mooing cows. But the young couple found refuge in the midst of chaos. Does your holiday season feel chaotic, busy, maybe not ideal? How can you seek refuge in Jesus this holiday and carve out intentional time for peace? This season should be about faith, hope, peace and love. How can you infuse those things into your life this month?

“…The Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11 

Journey on!