Series- Silent Night Peace in a Busy Season: Week 3

For many, Christmas is a season of joy and excitement, but not every year will go according to plan. When I was a child, my sister and I were supposed to be in a Christmas wedding as the flower girls, but my sister caught chicken pox. Another year, hanging out with family didn’t go exactly as we had hoped and there was some tension. Sometimes packages don’t arrive on time, or people let us down…there are many types of disappointments we may face because life happens even when it is Christmas. But when we turn to the Lord, focus our hearts and minds on Him, we can still have peace even if we burn Christmas dinner! Even if our least favorite relative is coming to town. Whatever is threatening to steal your peace this season, don’t let it! You can have peace this season and every season because Jesus was born, Jesus died to save us, and He rose again to live in us and with us. He is ALWAYS with you! Hold fast to Him today and receive His amazing peace with or without a perfect Christmas.

I leave you peace; My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid. — John 14:27