Lavished Love

It breaks my heart to see people hurting, especially those who believe they are not loved by anyone. This is a lie that Satan likes to tell to pull us away from other people and away from God. But the TRUTH is that you, the one reading this article right now, YOU are loved. Loved deeply. Loved unconditionally. You are worthy of love because you are a child of God. He created you, and He redeemed you! This world may not always love you the way it should, but no one can ever take away God’s love for you. Believe me…or better yet, go read your Bible. It is filled with verses about how God has loved you and how He continues to love you. Don’t let negative thoughts and lies take over your mental space. Replace those thoughts with specific truths so that you can combat them easily when they threaten to attack you. I find it helpful to memorize scriptures that contradict the lies we hear the most so that I can stop those lies quickly and remember that God’s love for me is truly amazing. Speak truth to your heart and let God’s love bring you joy.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

Journey on!