Be a Good One

"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abraham Lincoln

Life passes in seasons, bringing new difficulties and joys, asking us to accomplish new feats, and growing us in new ways. Our lives may go through stages of being children, young adults, married people, parents, grandparents, businessmen or military women, missionaries or teachers...There are many, many paths our lives take us down, and if we have God at the center of our lives, He will lead us along the way.

But whether our jobs change or our relationships change, whether we dream new dreams or anchor ourselves to one area, God has called us to be our best selves in EVERY season. Will we be perfect? Never. But we should seek to honor God by using the gifts He has given us. We need to make the most of opportunities He provides us. What can we do today to be even better than we were yesterday? How can we go the extra mile? Our relationship with God is not based on our works, but while we have the health and means to do so, we should emulate Jesus in everything that we do. By doing this, we honor God and bless others, and in turn this blesses our lives as well!

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Col 3:23-24 

Journey on!