Love, for you are Loved

"When we love others, we're living the truth of God out loud." Lysa Terkeurst

How do we show love to people in our lives? Sometimes we get so used to being with the same people everyday that we forget to take the time to show them our love. We might not appreciate all they do for our family. Or we get too busy and distracted to play a game with our kids. Maybe we are so caught up with deadlines that we neglect to take time to appreciate a co-worker or employee. It's really very easy to overlook these things unintentionally, but it's so important to focus on what matters in life. Not everyone has family that they consider a blessing, but hopefully we all have people in our lives who are special to us. What can you do this week to go the extra mile in showing your love to the people who matter most? And for those people at work or home who might not be the easiest to love right now, how we can we make an effort to see them through God's eyes this week?

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

Journey on!