Light in Christ 

When we watch the news, it can discourage us seeing the difficult situations in the world. We see sin in many forms and wonder how we can find hope in the difficult places. We may feel lost in our own spirituality. 

Christ tells us that he is the Light that has come to destroy darkness. We know that when this world ends and we go to be with Him in heaven, there will be no more darkness. But that everlasting light isn’t just something to look forward to in the future- it’s a hope we can hold onto even now. Whatever sin holds us captive, whatever hardships we face…God can conquer all those things and Christ’s light can fill those dark places and make us new. When we allow Christ to shine through us, we can live in a brighter world here on earth, regardless of what's going on around us. We need His light to guide us and to remove anything that hinders us from a deep relationship with Him. And we need to trust that He is with us even when the world seems a scary place. Bask in His illuminating presence today and let go of the darkness and fear in your life.

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Journey on!