
What does it mean to worship God? What images come to your mind? I think about singing songs of praise, praying and thanking God, lying on my face before Him, lifting hands to praise His name...living a life of love for Him...there are so many ways to engage with our Creator. So many ways to praise His name. I love to read the Psalms. David was a man who knew how to worship. He was flawed, sinful, human just like us, but he knew the deep value of coming back day after day to toe Source of all life. He spent a lot of time worshipping God, pouring His heart out in good times and bad, always giving glory to Him. As you go through your week, think about ways in which you can worship God. What speaks to your heart? Take time to read through some chapters of Psalm. Maybe you can find fresh new ways to connect with God this week! 

"Honor the Lord, you heavenly beings;
honor the Lord for his glory and strength.
Honor the Lord for the glory of his name.
Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."

Psalm 29:1-2

Journey on!