Matters of the Heart

"Fill your heart with God's Word and you will have no room for Satan's lies." -unknown

What we fill our hearts with matters. The world gives us plenty of things to think about and plenty of messages for our brains to sort through everyday. Some of it is beautiful and edifying, and some of it is ugly and damaging. We have to have the wisdom to decide what things we will allow into our hearts. And we can find that wisdom and truth in God's word. When we keep His word fresh in our minds and hearts, it's easier to combat the negative things that life throws our way. It doesn't mean we won't hurt or have difficulty, but it means that the tough things in life don't have to destroy us! We can hold firm in our faith and trust in God. We can find comfort and peace in His encouraging words. We can resist temptations more effectively if we focus on the promises of God and His love. So much of what we wrestle with in our hearts can be positively dealt with by reading God's word. Take time often to read scripture and guard your heart and mind in Him. His living word keeps speaking new things to us all the time.

"Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

Journey on!