The Intimacy of Gratitude


"Come to Me with a thankful heart, so that you can enjoy My Presence." Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on all the many blessings God has given us. But it is also a time of drawing closer to Him. As you thank Him for who He is and what He has done in your life, you focus your mind and heart on Him. And when your focus is laser-pointed on God, you will feel yourself drawn closer and closer. Feel His arms around you, holding you. Experience the glory and beauty of His love. When you respond to God with gratitude, you notice even more of His goodness. It is a wonderful cycle of adoration, gratitude, and intimacy. This Thanksgiving, don't just make a list of your blessings...immerse yourself in the glory of the Lord. Let Him draw you close and whisper life-giving messages to your heart. Use this special time as a reminder to draw close to Him and give thanks ALL year long. 

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

Journey on!