There are some important issues being discussed in the world today, and some others that seem incredibly unimportant; but with any trending topic, there is always conflict. These differing opinions became more vicious and pronounced with the invention of social media and comment sections. Even though we all may enjoy being able to connect to others online, there is often chaos happening. We don't find ourselves arguing rational points on both sides, but rather mud-slinging and name-calling. People aren't interested in helping others see their point of view, they just want to fight. Do you find yourself caught up in this online or in your daily life (in the real world)? If you find yourself feeling angry, think about whether the issue is really important. If it is, what are some constructive ways you can make a difference? If the internet is getting you worked up over pointless things, take a break! Remember that while anger itself is not a sin, how we react to that emotion can be. Ask God to give you wisdom, patience, and self-control this week. Chose peace instead of chaos.
"A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15:8
Journey on!